XHTML stands for eXensible HyperText Markup Language. XHTML was to proceed HTML 4, but XHTML’s popularity and usage has been overtaken by HTML 5 on the modern Internet.


Bulk HTML Validation

I’ve recently been working on a WordPress project in which I made the mistake of starting with a commercial theme that, while beautiful and feature-rich, was a complete mess in terms of code quality. HTML validation is always a requirement on my projects, but a poorly-written WordPress theme combined with WordPress’ own tendency to butcher code by inserting poorly nested <p>’s (more on that later) can make validation a real chore.

The W3C’s Validator is a great tool and the Web Developer Toolbar‘s quick access to it makes the process go even faster.  But with nearly 100 static pages to validate in addition to several hundred imported blog posts written by nontechnical authors, I needed something better.

Enter the Web Design Group’s HTML Validator. This validator isn’t that different from the W3C validator, but it provides an additional key feature: the “validate entire site” option.  By checking this box the validator will spider the URL you provide and validate the first 100 pages that it finds within the same domain.